
27 thoughts

This is my second birthday in a row during which I will watch the clock tick midnight and turn to the 7th. It's not my second time ever to see this. For one, I'm a night owl. For two, everyone turns 21 at some point. Most notably, though, this is my second birthday in a row spent on a call shift, and I am in a completely different place this year than last. Last year was honestly probably one of my all-time lows during intern year. I was covering the burn unit among dozens of other patients. It was my first inpatient rotation. I was on a stretch of night shifts. And I had no idea what I was doing – and I mean no idea what I was doing even outside of work. Parker and I had finally started to see the dust settle from our move to North Carolina. Birthdays are a big deal to me, and we were realizing that we had very few connections and friends in this area with whom to celebrate. Not trying to be dramatic – obviously we made it through just fine. It's just so interesting to reflect on just how far we've come since then. The other night we went to dinner with several friends for my birthday again. As we were leaving I felt all warm and happy inside. It was a large group of people that I can be certain are supporting us and genuinely care about our well-being, just like I do about them. All these feelings felt like a good reason to record this moment right now so here are a few thoughts on my 27th birthday in addition to the word vomit from above, most of which I am speaking from recent experience. (I tried to come up with 27. Turns out my brain is too tired. Haha)

1. You can always handle what's put in front of you. It may seem impossible at some point, but it's really not.
2. If you can't do as above, there will always be someone there to support you. Even if they can't really pull you through the difficult time, they'll at least be a listening ear.
3. Speaking of difficult situations – moving far away from all your friends and family is hard. Period. Don't feel weird or inadequate because it's hard. You can be super social and outgoing and it still be hard as hell to make new friends and lay new roots.
4. It's ok to keep making new friends, and it is possible to maintain the same closeness with all your old ones.
5. It's also ok to let some people drift away. It happens. Everyone is busy. Likely, if they're truly your friend you could rekindle the connection if you really wanted to.
6. Trying new things is scary but worthwhile.
7. It's ok if you're scared of trying something new (to you) that seems lame and ordinary to others. Don't let that make you feel inadequate.
8. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Sometimes socializing is much more energizing than sleep. Of course you should adjust this knowing your own intro/extroversion.
9. Spending lots of money on traveling is worth it. Don't let yourself go in debt or become unable to pay your bills because of it...but if you splurge a little you won't regret it.
10. Don't be ashamed of what you do in your free time if it's making you happy. Just because it isn't what's cool or all over Instagram doesn't mean it won't make you happy. The only person who knows what exactly it is that makes you happy is you.
11. Don't stand when you can sit. Don't sit when you can lay down. Eat when you can. Sleep when you can. (And don't touch the pancreas).

This is all I can muster. I’m (hopefully) laying down for a few hours for the night. Goodnight, world.

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